A common time signature used between the two is the 4/4 time signature. Though used in many different ways, like Reggae emphasizing the second and fourth beats, it is used in both Salsa and Reggae. The instrumentation used in the two genres is both similar and different. In Salsa the most important instrument is the percussion and in Reggae the most important instrument is the bass guitar. Even though they differ in dominant instruments, they compare in many other aspects including the timbale. Salsa uses the timbale in their music, but at times Reggae uses the sound of the timbale. I say they use the sound because they don't actually use the timbale. Instead, they use a snare drum that is tuned to a very high pitch, so it can mimic the sound a timbale makes. Another instrument that is used commonly between the two genres is the bass guitar.
Now I will compare and contrast a composition from each genre. The first composition is entitled "Salsa le le" by Claude Lachapelle.
In this composition you can see it has a time signature of 4/4. In this composition a piano is being used. There is also another version with guitar.
The next composition is called "Reggae Gay" by Bernard Dewagtere.
This piece is similarly in the time signature 4/4. It is played by using the trumpet, guitar, the piano and the bass.
Aside from the similar time signature this two pieces have two different feels to them. In order to listen to them here are the links to a site containing both the pdf and the media of the song:
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